Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

One Direction – One thing cover

I thought that is you
When you go deep into
Made scar in and out
Painting me with your heart

Never knew what it is 
Am i that naive
Still can’t figure it out
You pierce me with your feel

Soon after i heard your voice
And catch that something weird in your head
Finding what your mean in those bit words
Heat and cold like nothin

So, wake up, wake up, wake up sleepyhead
Hear that sound of heartbeat race
Don’t get dizzy ‘bout your empty cash
Cause she like your freak face

She’s want you say yes

I’ll go crazy inside
To walk with her beside
I freefall from the sky
Wake me up if i die 

I don’t feel special in any way
Except for my brother that was gay
But i don’t care what all my friends said
You make me love monday

back to #chorus

*sorry for the grammar, i only can speak english little little

No Offense


Udah beres SBMPTN nih. Udah lega, tapi masih deg-degan. Dengan persiapan yang minim banget, di  tes tulis ini gue nyari aman aja. Yup, gue gak mikirin kuliah jurusan apa, yang penting kuliah.

Gue, adalah orang yang fleksibel. Banyak orang yang bilang kalo tujuan hidup gue gak banget, gak jelas. Iya kok, gue gak jelas, karena gue gak suka sama sesuatu yang mutlak, konkrit, dan, jelas. Itulah kenapa gue selalu gak mau di suruh daftar sekolah tinggi atau apapun yang disukai kebanyakan orang, dengan alasan yang sebenarnya cukup bagus: masa depannya dijamin. Justru itu yang gue gak suka...