Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

'Why am i different from others?'

Gue ada video nih, udah lama sih cuma mau share lagi aja buat yang belum atau mau liat lagi. Iklan sih sebenernya, tapi dicermati aja yaa maksud dari videonya, terserah produknya mau dipake apa nggak :p

'Why am i different from others?'

....do you have to be like others?'

what do you think?

♥║ ║  ♥ 

║██║ ♫ ♫
█ ▄  ▄ ▄  ▄  ▄ 
Min- - - - - - - - - - - -●Max
 Play. ▌▌Pause



          Akhir-akhir ini, gue lagi ngebet-ngebetnya nonton anime jadul, terutama Digimon. Mungkin banyak yang belum tau kalo gue adalah seorang penikmat anime dan manga. Waktu gue nonton Digimon lagi setelah sekian lama, gue sukses nostalgia.

          Awalnya gue mulai rutin nonton anime waktu gue denger lagu ost digimon, Butterfly di playlist hp. Ngedenger intronya aja udah ngebuat gue melankolis abis, sangat melankolis. Besoknya gue langsung beli DVD Digimon Adventure, dan episode pertama yang gue tonton ngebuat gue mikir, ternyata udah lama banget ya?

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

We're a Teenager..

          Being a teenager is vastly overrated. We all make mistakes, we are stubborn, we couldn't give two shits what our parents think, we hate school, we cause shit, we fight, we love, we cry, we give up on believing in a higher power. We're all fucked up and that's the truth, we all come from dysfunctional families because no family is perfect; we say things that we don't mean, we yell, we scream, we get broken hearts, we get drunk, we have sex. 

          Grades don't mean a thing anymore, we lives on quotes and music that describes our lives and most importantly we are tired. We are tired of waking up each morning and having to go to school, where we see the people we hate or the people we love, we get tired of waiting for the text message that's not going to come and we get tired of pretending we are fine.

repost and remake http://rish-boo.skyrock.com/  :)

Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Why Mr. Simple

Kenapa Mr. Simple?
Mungkin banyak orang ada yang bertanya-tanya, kenapa blog ini dinamakan MR. SIMPLE, bukan Mr Bakso, Mr Bean, ato Mr Ganteng.

Sempet mau make Mr Anisa Chibi, tapi gak jadi karena takut di bakar massa.....
